วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Aas 600 Wireless Home safety law

The Aas 600 wireless home security system is currently the best alternative to hard wired alarm systems as well as expensive home monitoring services. There is no need to pay those high monthly monitoring fees that the expertly installed security systems require. The Aas 600 has consistently been rated four and a half stars out of a possible five, by people who have installed it, and use it everyday. I try not to make buy decisions based on endorsements, but with so many people with no financial interest in this product saying the very same thing, i had to take a look for myself.

Selecting the right home security system, is a process that starts with an appraisal of your current needs. This means determining what has to be protected, and how vulnerable it is. Homeowners will drive themselves crazy when choosing the right system. This is partly due to all of the options available, But it is also due to the scare tactics, and misinformation that are being used to sell these products. I believe that if you are living in an median middle class neighborhood, the services offered by associates like Adt are not your only option. If you are on a budget, and can do without central alarm monitoring, and just want to be notified whenever there is a problem, the Aas 600 Wireless Home security system is for you.

Penn Camera

This top rated product offers many high end features, like a Phone line tamper function, a remote control handset, it even has a built in auto dialer. These features are provided as part of the basic kit, not as upgrade options. All of these things would usually cost you a lot more money if purchased as part of a hardwired system. If this product has a weakness, it has to be that when upgrading, you must use components designed specifically for this system. Whereas most hardwired systems allow you to use tool from dissimilar manufacturers, and some even maintain wireless products, allowing them to be truly integrated into your existing setup.

To properly originate a security system you have to settle how you will protect the perimeter of your home. The first step is going to be figuring out where the likely points of entry for a burglar will be, and gain them. Statistically speaking, it will be a main floor window, or a covering door, most likely the rear or side doors. The mentioned points should be secured with the magnetic sense alarms that come with the Aas 600. Once your perimeter has been secured, you next have to install the supplemental alarms, consisting of the request for retrial detectors, and the glass break detectors. These devices act as a fail-safe, in the event your perimeter alarms are bypassed, or malfunction.

The request for retrial detectors should go in tasteless areas like the living room, and the hallways. A pro burglar can enter your home through unconventional points. To defend against this you have two options. The first is to cover every quadrate foot of your home with request for retrial detectors. The second and smarter selection would be placing these devices in strategic locations throughout your home. It truly does not matter how an intruder gets into your home, he will have to walk from point A to point B, so we place these devices in the passage ways that he must use.

The other component of your secondary line of defense will be the Glass break detectors. Your main floor windows are a popular entry point for burglars. Even though protected by sense alarms, they can be bypassed by simply breaking the glass and climbing through. Breaking glass has a unique frequency that cannot be masked. Glass break detectors listen for nothing else but this sound, and when it is heard, the alarm is activated.

If you have pets that roam around the house freely you may need to invest in a pet immune request for retrial detector. These devices use microwave technology to not only detect enthralling objects, but to portion the size of the object, ignoring small things, like a cats or dogs under forty pounds. If you try arming your interior alarms without this technology, you are guaranteed a lot of false alarms. This can be quite bothersome and irritating, to both you and your neighbors. One other straightforward clarification would be to gain your pets in a designated room during the times the request for retrial detectors are active.

This Aas 600 wireless system comes loaded with 32 alarm zones, that can be upgraded to a maximum of 96 zones. This is more than enough to protect the median home. It also offers pro grade features, like rolling code technology, indoor and outdoor sirens, it can even tell you if your phone line has been cut. You simply cannot buy more security for your home at this price point, and not having to pay recurring monthly fees, seals the deal for me.


วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Football - Why So Popular?

Another Football season is about to descend upon us. The time of the year that football fans over the nation live for. In millions of homes, fans will grab their Nfl teams jersey and cap and favorite brew and plop down on the sofa with friends for someone else inspiring afternoon of Sunday football. Or for those who can categorically afford the mark prices, it's someone else season of tailgating parties, hanging out with 60,000 other screaming fans cheering on the hometown team, and Monday morning hangovers. Of procedure there are some who could care less about all this 'who struck John' football stuff and wonder what the big deal is? I've known a few women in my time who categorically detest football because they know for the next sixteen Sundays they'll be hard pressed to get the husband to do anything on Sunday afternoons. How is it that football has become such a fixture in American culture?

Growing up in Baltimore in the 60's, I was an avid fan of the Baltimore Colts. They played football in an old horseshoe shaped place that they called Memorial Stadium. They had great teams during those years and won a concentrate of championships. A few years earlier they played in what many population call the 'Greatest Game' in the 1958 Championship game against the New York Giants. For me, I think it's rather silly to call any one game the most because there's been so many great games straight through the years. What that game did achieve was capture the attention of thousands of population over the nation, and pushed the Nfl to the next level.

Penn Camera

The football ritual itself reminds me of a gladiator spectacle. population dress up in crazy costumes, sit out in all kinds of weather, act like raving lunatics to watch a bunch of 300 pound beefy boys bang each other around for the next three hours. No one gets killed at the end, but I consideration that near the end of the game when the outcome has normally been decided, the camera's will often pan to the owner's booth, where you'll get a shot of the flourishing owner. With a small imagination, it's not difficult picturing the owner giving a thumbs up or down to conclude the losers fate.

The game itself reminds one of a movie from the Lifetime Channel. You have the good guys and the bad guys. You have the drama of the ups and downs straight through the procedure of the game. You also have the umpteen industrial breaks along the way.(By the way, if you categorically want to see the game from a dissimilar perspective, go to one. The constant arresting of the game for industrial breaks will seem so out of place at the game. You're sitting there wondering why are they stopping the game now? At home, you're so accustomed to this, and you use this time for running to the bathroom, refrigerator, etc., but at the game you're just sitting there mental sufficient already, get on with the game). Anyway, the game winds to it's conclusion, and if it's categorically a good production, it will come down to the 'two small drill', where the home team pulls the game out at the very ending. Just like our protagonists in the movie. normally the good guys win, but not always.

After the game, the population gallivant home to their homes or neighborhood bars to discuss the day's events. normally there's a game on Sunday Night Football where they can continue to get their fix of football right on to the early morning hours. The next morning is rough for the die hards, and leads one to recall the statement about hoping that you don't buy a car that was made on Monday, and why. In any event, this goes on for the next sixteen weeks, and if your team is lucky sufficient to make it to the playoffs, all bets are off.

Yes, the National Football League, or as some would say, the National Felony League has made itself a part of American life and culture. It's a huge firm that millions of fans live for, and spend dearly to be a part of. As for me, I can no longer bring myself to sit in front of the boob tube for hours on end on a Sunday. I'd much rather get out and take a walk in the woods instead. Besides, I can no longer feel the Monday Morning payback as opposed to being a Monday Morning quarterback.


วันพุธที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Underwater Fishing Lights - The Key To Night Fishing

Underwater lighting for fishing is not a new concept. The technology has been colse to for a few years. Anyone who goes night fishing on a quarterly basis understands the importance of these lights and uses them on a quarterly basis. Underwater fishing lights plain and straightforward attract bait fish, and we all know that bait fish attract game fish . Using underwater fishing lights can optimally up your chances for a prosperous night fishing trip.

Underwater fishing lights are not a catch all for night fishing. You still need to do your research on being at the right place to catch your singular species, but with the addition of underwater lighting you will growth your fish catch dramatically.

Penn Camera

One of the main reasons underwater fishing lighting works so well to catch game fish is because most of the game fish have a positive benefit over the "food chain" at night. The "food chain" is attracted by the underwater fishing lights but they cannot react speedily sufficient to leave the game fish.

The reckon Game fish have an benefit ,is because most of them can detect color at night. This creates a positive benefit for the game fish over the food chain because not only can they detect convert in light intensity but also color contrast. It has been known for sometime that fish , shrimp, and insects are attracted to light at night , but you probably are request yourself what color is best at night? The riposte to this ask is the color blue or green because they attract both the food chain and the game fish.

There is commercial underwater lighting that get there power source from a land based systems, but these systems are used primarily by coast landowners and will not be discussed here . When finding for a capability underwater fishing light look for the following properties in order,

1) high intensity

2) emit it's light color similar to the fishes space (blue or green)

3) powered by a conveyable electrical power supply

4) be submersible. Asset whole 4 is recommended because land based or boat mounted lights loose a great deal of their light vigor to the reflection off the covering of the water.

Because of the power usage limitations of halogen and incandescent light sources, I propose you narrow your hunt for a good conveyable underwater fishing light to florescent types, because there power consumption is a 10th of the power used by the other light sources. When comparing prices you need to look for the following specifications. The best florescent submersibles use 25-40watts of power , and they emit 1000 to 3000 lumens per tube. Remember from above, intensity of the light and color are key factors in attraction both the game fish and the "food chain" so look for these key elements when comparing pricing. The best underwater fishing florescent light units both blue and green, range in cost in the middle of 160$ to 200$ and go down from there, keep in mind , in most cases the cheaper the cost the lower the quality, and further you will be from the 1000 to 3000 lumens intensity.

In conclusion,Make Sure to check the capability of a listed underwater light before you purchase, remember , cheaper is not always good when purchasing a underwater fishing light. Well That raps up my report Good Luck ! And good fishing!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

A Beginner's Guide to Horse Racing

If you're only ever watched horse racing on Tv and have never been to a race meeting then there are positive things you should know before you arrive so that you can make the most of your day out.

1.    Ensure that you arrive in plentifulness of time for the first race.  If you don't know the area, or are travelling a long way, you might want to leave additional time.  You should aim to allow 1 -1.5 hrs so that you can find your bearings, and see where the best vantage positions are. Also, remember that it will be very busy, so a journey you know well might take a lot longer on race day.

Penn Camera

2.    It pays to dress smartly rather than casually.  Some areas have a definite dress code, so you'll need to check in strengthen that you'll be appropriately dressed.  There might be lots of walking involved, especially if you have to park far away, so relatively sensible footwear is a good idea.

3.    You'll need to remember money so you can place bets.  Most bookmakers will have a minimum bet of £5, but some may be lower and some will take cards.  You'll also need to buy a race card so that you know more about each race.  You might also want to bring binoculars and your camera too, so that you don't miss anything.  There are often large screens, so that you won't miss too much action.

4.    If you have a metal swing badge, rather than a ticket, you'll need to make sure that it is displayed prominently so that the officials can clearly see it.

5.    The paddock is where can you watch the horses parade around and see which one you like the look of.  It's well worth a visit so that you can conclude which one you'll back to win.  possibly you'll have already read the sports pages and know where your money's going.

6.    Don't forget to leave the paddock well before the start of the race so that you can be in place for the start of the race in plentifulness of time

7.    You might want to seek refreshments between each race, but remember that so will others, meaning that it can be busy. 

8.    Even if you did back the winner, it's not officially won until the "weighed in" announcement has been made.  You can't acquire your winnings until this announcement has been made.

9.    It's always worth going to the prize winning area and especially if your horse has won. You'll be able to see the winner and runners up close up, and might even spot a notable face or two.

10.    At the end of a busy day's at the races, remember that everyone will want to leave at the same time, so you'll need to be patient.  possibly you'll have already decided where you'll park, and how much time you'll allow, for the next time you come to a race meeting.

Now you know more about the day, what to wear, what to bring and what to expect, possibly it's time for you to go to a horse racing event for yourself.

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Life in a Fish Bowl - The Downside of Stardom

I was at the hair stylist's the other day with time to kill and gossip magazines in my lap. I got to wondering what it's like for the celebrities storied in, and gracing the covers of, these magazines to have no privacy; to be the field of rumors and innuendo, well wishes and chastisement, head-shaking and vicarious living.

The rich and famed live in a fish bowl with dinky privacy, except when nestled in their private compounds. Are the glamour, toys, perks and connections that wealth and stardom provide, enough. A poem was born.

Penn Camera

Life in a Fish Bowl - The Downside of Stardom

What is it like to live life in a fish bowl?
These celebs pay a price for fame
Red carpet, paparazzi, for every new role
Us, People, The Soup; it's part of the game

There's money and houses and Euro-vacances
A home in L.A. And the South of France
They grace the covers of magazines
Some real dishing plus some faux scenes

Being fan-rushed at award shows
Being crushed by camera men
One gets too close, gets a broken nose
Oh, the lives of Madonna and Sean Penn

And reality Tv has introduced the Kardashians
Which sounds like the Star Trek 'Cardassians'
We follow them; who they're with; where they go
And tune in on-demand for a rerun of the show

And who's having babies and what amount affair
This is celebrity; it brings the good and the bad
A media zoo, be forewarned, be ready, be aware
The money doesn't keep some from going mad

Open the gates, close the gates, safely at home
Private time now, stay put, don't roam
Someone's out there with a telephoto lens
Get off it guys, we're allowed to be with friends

Oh the price of fame
Yes, some people are lame
But the social is titillated by those
Who make the music, the movies, the Tv shows

Celebrity doesn't give you relaxation to be dumb
And expect that your groupies stick around
Yet, there's some license to be divergent from
The social persona that you expound

And too, the social supports
The guys and gals in sports
We watch them raptly on field or policy
And it hurts us when a spouse files for divorce

And the impetus to get prescriptions
Or drink to excess and go to rehab
Or losing weight or other predilections
Oh, what temptations for the fab

Some folks live their fantasies through
The wild escapades of these relative few
This allows a craziness and intensity
For which regular Joes don't have propensity

Yes, life in fish bowl has its merit
The glamor, the glitz, the cameras flashing
But few of the great icons inherit
The knack to keep their world from crashing

Generally talent, sometimes good looks and often luck, inaugurate actors, musicians and sports figures to the heights of celebrity. Yet, sometimes even they need to come down from the stars and live a regular life; at least for a while.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Play Golf In Two Countries

Between Spain and Portugal lies the Guadiana River. On its banks, and within a radius of about 30 kilometers, are more golf courses than you can shake a stick at. As a result, it's potential to find a place to stay from which you could reach and play 14 courses in as many days, without ever having to drive for more than 40 minutes.

The Guadiana river provides the border in the middle of Portugal and South Western Andalucia, or Huelva, in theCosta de la Luz. It is also the location for an very large estimate of top-notch golf courses, all within easy reach of each other. There is none of the high-rise hotel development here that you will find on the other Costas, since local government has insisted on the preservation of protected natural spaces.
Instead you will find a few engaging hotels, and a good choice of fairly new apartments and villas. The more temperate climate means that it is potential to play golf for most of the year, and, being in a river delta, the area is protected to a large extent from the strong winds that characterise this coast further south.

Penn Camera

All these courses are conveniently reached by the airports of Faro in Portugal, or Seville in Spain.

Golf in Portugal.

Castro Marim

This is one of the latest courses to play golf in Portugal, having opened in the year 2000, in an area of the Algarve that until recently had no golfing infrastructure at all. This 18 hole, par 72 policy has a very gorgeous setting in the peaceful climate of the eastern Algarve, gift players fabulous views over the Atlantic Ocean, the River Guadiana and the colse to nature reserve. The fairways have been made with Bermuda grass, whilst the greens are made with the new Penn A4 grass. Unless you are a mountain goat, it's advisable to hire a buggy, since parts of the policy are very steep indeed.

This golf policy offers challenges to all levels and abilities. In some places the layout is deceptive, and a well-struck drive could quite legitimately land in one of the attractive lakes. Its unique hidden irrigation law enables play even in the driest of weathers. A driving range, putting green and putting policy are also available for pre-round practice.


The late Sir Henry Cotton designed this 18 hole, par 71 course. Sir Henry was apparently inspired by the ancient church, which is now situated next to the clubhouse.

The resulting layout offers a challenge to players of all standards. The policy is undulating, but although less hilly than the Castro Marim course, still offers remarkable views to the mountains in the north and the Atlantic to the south.

Indigenous olive, cork, carob, fig and almond trees, many of them centuries old, add to the beauty of the area whilst also creating natural hazards. In addition, water hazards and bunkers are strategically located colse to the policy to test your strategy and accuracy. The greens of Penn A4 are superb, and fairways of Bermuda Sahara furnish good opportunities for well-placed shots. There is also a driving range and putting green for you to get in a wee custom before you play the course.

Quinta da Cima

This 18 holes, par 72 policy is a great test of golf with dog-legs to the right and left, open fairways and well located bunkers and lakes. A stream with dams and permanent flowing water crosses holes 4, 5, 6 and 13. This is a true championship course. Watch out for the tricky par 5 16th hole, and expect some surprises on the 18th!

This policy offers fabulous views, and is an exceptionally gorgeous policy to play. From any point on the policy the views of the sea and the mountains are a delight. Century-old olive and carob trees and the typical orange groves furnish a truly peaceful feel to this fabulous course.

The greens have been seeded with Bent Crenshaw. Tees and fairways are seeded with Zoysia.

Two large driving ranges furnish magnificent views of the mountains as well as of the ocean.

The Robinson Golf Academy can be found on the second driving range, which is designed for custom with irons only. It comprises 3 greens and 6 tees for concentrated tuition.

Quinta da Ria

This spectacular 18 hole, par 72 policy is situated in the Ria Formosa Natural Park and spreads along a gradually rolling area down to the Ria Formosa itself, with a remarkable view of the sea and the Huelva coastline
It comprises two loops of 9 holes with each loop having 2 par 5's, five par 4's and two par 3's. Five lakes were strategically built colse to the course, near greens 5, 10 and 14. Hole 16, a par 5, is played in the middle of the two biggest lakes. The green of the par 3 17th brings one of the lakes into play and also has an island where a large estimate of local bird-life nests. Besides the beauty the lakes bring to the course, they are also used as water reservoirs for irrigation and are nourished by a stream, in play on some holes.

The greens, smoothly undulating, are well protected by bunkers. Greens, tees and fairways are seeded with Bent Crenshaw and the rough with Poa Pratensis with Fescues. There are wide fairways and well maintained rough, so the policy is suitable for the higher handicapper.

Although the policy is relatively new, it has been planted with more than 300 trees, such as olive and carob, in order to furnish a more established feel, and to utter the ancient border. From any point on the course, one can see both the mountains and the sea. The surrounding orange groves and vineyards contribute to make the landscape of the policy even more beautiful.

On this course, as with the Quinta da Cima, there will be no housing development, so there will be nothing except the fabulous views to distract you from your game. Together these two golf courses furnish a fine choice for golf holidays.

For golf in Spain, there are a estimate of equally gorgeous and equally engaging sites.

Isla Canela

This 18 hole par 72 links golf policy is located in an area of superior natural beauty, overlooking the Guadiana River. It was designed by Catarineu, and completed in 1994. It's set in a gorgeous landscape dotted with olive, orange and eucalyptus trees, and offers engaging and engaging play on its gradually sloping dunes.

Trolleys and buggies can be hired from the clubhouse; any way there is wee need of buggies since the entire policy is relatively flat. It extends over a salt marsh crossed by small seawater rivulets.

The gentle slopes are formed by dunes, and the policy provides a gorgeous landscape dominated by broom, eucalyptus, olive and orange trees some of which wish observation when playing some fairways. Overall, accuracy rather than length is key here.

Natural lakes border a estimate of holes, and the greens are commonly large and well protected by bunkers. The par five 7th is reachable in two, but the river to the right of the green is likely to catch the unwary. The building of strategically located tees means Isla Canela is enjoyable for golfers of all abilities. The club also offers very good custom facilities.

There is a permanent golf school as well as a golf shop, a bar and a restaurant. In increasing there is a swimming pool and two bowling greens next to a gorgeous terrace on which to sit and relax after a game.
Plans have been approved for a second policy on the island, together with a third a wee further up the River Guadiana at Costa Esuri.

Islantilla Golf Course

There are 3 isolate courses at Islantila, each surrounded by luxuriant vegetation with remarkable sea views.

"Course 1" is best suited to medium or low handicappers as it requires precision, stroke quality and skill.
"Course 2" is ideal for high handicappers, as, although it has a somewhat difficult beginning, there are fewer quirks and the layout is less deceptive to the fresh eye.
"Course 3" is the official 18 holes par 72 policy which requires significant skill, and is ideal for medium handicappers.

Established 1992 this golf policy has been the stage of important events like the "Campeonato de Espana de Profesionales", and the Pga European Challenger Tour.

In increasing there is a training centre, the Islantilla Top Golf Academy, which includes: -
· Individual and/or group lessons
· Weekend courses
· Digital video camera with exact golf prognosis software
· On policy lessons
· Clinics with pro guests
· Special junior programmes
· Golf club repair
· Pro shop

Nuevo Portil Golf Course

This 18 hole, par 71 policy has been relatively recently built. The organize is characterised by wide fairways and gradually sloping greens, and follows a path in the middle of pines and other local trees, beginning out in a wood of Mediterranean pines. It is a rolling type golf course, gift a pleasant walk for those not wishing to use buggies, and the Bermuda fairways, which are lined with indigenous vegetation, offer fabulous sea views over the heavy dune beaches that are close by. The tiered greens offer a tough challenge for birdie-seekers.

The club has a driving range, pitch and putt area, gym, sauna and swimming pool, together with a four star hotel and clubhouse with coffee shop, restaurant, pro-shop and all golfing facilities.

El Rompido

This 18 hole par 72 policy is the furthest east of all those mentioned in this guide. The involved legitimately comprises two courses, the former South policy and the brand new North course.

The South policy sits on the edge of a tidal lagoon overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, and sprawls over an engaging mix of parkland and marshland with some fabulous views - the walk from the 8th green to the 9th tee takes you over a 650ft pontoon right over the protected marshland where you can see freshwater crabs and an fullness of bird life.

The new North course, which only opened in June 2006, offers a wee more challenge. It has been designed by the notable Spanish golf policy designer Alvaro Arana. This policy winds through protected salt marshes, and offers a assorted range of hole styles. The front nine features a run of holes with very tight drives - a typical "risk and reward" opportunity 9; while the back 9 is shorter, but demands greater accuracy from the fairway into small target greens which are of a consistently high standard.

The involved boasts a five star hotel faultless with full condition spa, consulation and leisure facilities together with hidden beach club, football pitches, tennis and paddle courts and much more. Altogether, it comprises a fully equipped golf resort and spa perfect for a golfing holiday.

Convenient holiday location

For those finding for a holiday location that allows easy way to all courses, it would be difficult to beat the exclusive resort of Isla Canela. Situated on the beach by the pretty town of Ayamonte on the Guadiana River, it is well within an hour's drive of all the courses listed. legitimately the courses at Isla Canela itself and at Castro Marim, are both within 20 minutes' drive. In this wee resort you have the choice of 5 hotels, and a good range of rental properties with whether golf, sea or marina views, beginning from a humble one-bed apartment and progressing to a luxury 3 bed, 2 bath penthouse with fabulous views and a Jacuzzi on the terrace.

For non-golfing house members the beach apartments are ideal, giving quick and easy way to 7km of lustrous golden sand, with safe beaches for bathing. Small shops, bars and restaurants are all within walking distance, and the wee Andalusian town of Ayamonte is a short bus ride away. For days when you might be 'golfed out'(!) it's potential to join a guided coach tour of Seville, or even a jeep safari through the Donana National Park. River trips are also legitimately available.

Of course, that's if you don't want to just 'chill out' on the gorgeous beach!


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Horse Racing Is Fixed, Or Is It?

The sport of kings!

Having just watched the running of the many of all races, the Grand National, I am drawn to putting pen to paper to share with you the joys of horse racing, as well as a few insider secrets. It is a vast field which will occupy a few articles, so I will deal with one aspect per description per week. Together we could have some fun, and hopefully I can recap some of the knowledge I have acquired over many years to you.

Penn Camera

Picking the winner-The elusive quest that has enthralled mankind since time immemorial.

If you have never experienced the utter exhilaration one gets when your horse passes the close line first, you nothing else but haven't lived. Either you're an owner, an ardent punter or a casual visitor there is a primeval pleasure one gets from winning.

I'm not promoting gambling, but having a few quid on an event adds spice to the proceeding. I have owned a few dozen race horses in my time and have been punting horses for longer than I can remember. I have made more friends in racing horses than all my other endeavours combined. Here I will try and demystify the secrecy that shrouds horse racing and dispel the myths that have taken route.

Myth 1-Horse racing is fixed!
If I had a pound for every time I have heard these utterances from the mouths of the uninitiated I'd be retired and rich. Horse racing is Not fixed. This myth finds its origin, as do so many in the media. If you read horse novels or watch Tv you may be excused for mental this. Horses conditioned to a fear response with fire, sponges in the noses, buckets of water before the off all make for thrilling reading but are a figment of the overactive imagination of thrill writing authors.

Let's be level though. Wherever money is involved there will all the time be those conniving souls trying to gain unfair advantage, be it racing, roulette, lotto or whatever. That's life! however the hard fact is that horse racing is probably more closely policed, monitored, scrutinised and analysed than any other action on the planet. I will present my discussion below:

• Horse racing is thought about governed and controlled by the Jockey Club. There is a formal constitution and rule book and a well established objection and petition procedure.
• Horse racing has its own police force called stipendiary stewards or "stipes". They are accountable to the Jockey Club, the greatest governing body of racing. They recap the running of every race, investigate each case of unexplained deviation from form deal with objections and convene boards of enquiry.
• Each horse has a passport, much like we do. This document clearly identifies the horse, its unique markings and identifying features. Each horse is checked against its passport at the beginning of a race before being allowed to participate. This prevents any possibility of substituting an imposer in its place.
• If Either the owner, trainer or nothing else but jockey has any misgivings about the running of a race, feels the horse was unfairly treated, interfered with or otherwise disadvantaged, they can lodge a formal objection immediately the race is over. Their objection has to be definite as to the reasons, and the case is thought about thought about by the stipes before the valid ensue of the race is announced. In arriving at their decision the race footage shot by several cameras at different angles is thought about analysed, and witnesses may be called.
• After the race urine samples are taken from horses at random, and all the time from the winner. These are analysed for a myriad of drugs, steroids enhancers etc. Two samples of the same specimen are maintained. One is sent to an independent laboratory for analysis; and the second is ready for re-testing if the results are positive.
• Every race is recorded from start to finish. Courses have state of the art camera tool that can zoom into the jockeys eyeball if required. Race replays in ultra slow petition on large screen make it virtually impossible for any foul play to go unnoticed.
• If the stipes find in favour of the plaintiff they have a range of options ready to them. They often inflict penalties on horses based on the nature of the interference. This is often expressed as a amount of lengths. The winning horse, for example, may have a penalty of three lengths imposed upon it. If the horse had won by two lengths the second settled horse would be pronounced the winner.
• More serious offences are treated more severely. Jockeys can be banned from riding for a set period or amount of meetings. This can have serious financial consequences on the jockey, trainer and owner. In exceptional cases the penalties are severe in the extreme. One singular instance comes to mind where a jockey was found guilty of pulling up a horse and preventing it from winning and was banned from riding for life-yes for Life. The petition went to the High Court but failed. No jockey is going to place his/her entire occupation and livelihood at risk.

Best of luck and happy punting.
